Our Solutions

AptVet Laboratory works with government agencies and public health laboratories to detect, identify, and respond to infectious disease risks. We enhance public health laboratories’ ability to respond to biological, chemical, and radioactive threats, among others.

Value-Added Offerings

Our extensive customer relationships have led to advancements in a variety of fields, including pain treatment, diagnostics, human health, and vaccine development.  All our customers have access to our education and training offerings. 

  • Partnership

    We maintain our agility to give the precise solutions our customers want by collaborating with them in a constant manner.

  • Consistent Quality

    We preserve customers trust by maintaining a consistency in our quality, timeliness and support in our health offerings.

  • Bespoke Resources

    By making our knowledge publicly accessible, we assist them in establishing their own practices in confidence and efficiency.

Clinical Diagnostics

AptVet provides reference and diagnostic services to hospitals, clinics, and private pathology laboratories.

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Laboratory Solutions

We offer close consulting to you figure out where your clinical laboratory needs to improve, and make recommendations.

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Health Programs

We collaborate with health agencies and public health laboratories as a reference laboratory for disease detection.

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Research & Development

Our R & D methodology is designed to provide consumers with fundamentally impactful innovation.

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