Top Infectious Diseases Lab

AptVet is a reputed laboratory for infectious diseases in Nigeria. We provide public health laboratory, reference laboratory, and diagnostic services in Nigeria, as well as programs that are recognized as national and international reference laboratories.

AptVet offers agencies and public health laboratories advanced diagnostic testing and reference services, education, substantial epidemic analytic efforts, and externally funded fundamental and applied research on diseases of public health concern. 

We offer public health reference laboratory services for infectious diseases, including surveillance, epidemic investigations, reference testing, and research. We conduct diagnostic testing and are designated as a laboratory of reference for pandemic bacterial infections and antibiotic-resistant pathogens posing threats to world health. In addition, we have a significant commitment to international health projects through our designation as a WHO Collaborating Center.

Value-Added Offerings

Our extensive customer relationships have led to advancements in a variety of fields, including infectious diseases diagnostics, human health, and vaccine development.  All our customers have access to our education and training offerings. 

  • Partnership

    We maintain our agility to give the precise solutions our customers want by collaborating with them in a constant manner.

  • Consistent Quality

    We preserve customers trust by maintaining a consistency in our quality, timeliness and support in our health offerings.

  • Bespoke Resources

    By making our knowledge publicly accessible, we assist them in establishing their own practices in confidence and efficiency.

Clinical Diagnostics

AptVet provides reference and diagnostic services to hospitals, clinics, and private pathology laboratories.

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Laboratory Solutions

We offer close consulting to you figure out where your clinical laboratory needs to improve, and make recommendations.

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Health Programs

We collaborate with health agencies and public health laboratories as a reference laboratory for disease detection.

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Research & Development

Our R & D methodology is designed to provide consumers with fundamentally impactful innovation.

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Key Specialties

Recent Updates

Antibiotic Stewardship: Our Dedication to Healthier Humans.

Antimicrobial resistance is a critical and complex challenge affecting human health. At AptVet Laboratory, we have partnered with experts in human and animal health to develop sustainable solutions using a One Health approach. Our focus is now shifting towards addressing infectious diseases and combating antimicrobial resistance to promote better health outcomes for humans.

As a laboratory dedicated to human health and well-being, AptVet Laboratory has implemented a comprehensive strategy to promote responsible antibiotic stewardship, reduce the reliance on antibiotics, and explore alternative treatments. These initiatives aim to ensure the long-term effectiveness of antibiotics while equipping healthcare professionals, farmers, and individuals with the knowledge and tools to safeguard human health.

In Need of Our Expertise?

AptVet Laboratory is committed to enhancing the health of individuals, animals, and the environment. It is an integral part of our mission to foster a healthier world by improving healthcare practices through onehealth approach.